Friday, March 30, 2007

Escaping the Poo Pipes

My first short vid, all the town beaches are too polluted, so it seems most of Dunedins surfers went somewhere else...

or if you prefer youtube:


Anonymous said...

Hi Jono, Sorry about the trouble with your clip on YouSurfTubes. My site is still in Beta and there have been some bugs running about internally. Would you be able to reload your first clip so that we can be sure that this was not just a bad connection between the encoder/server and your computer? Also if you have a version that is not as compressed it would look a lot better. You can Upload a fat AVI or MP4 file! I just uploaded a 70mb MP4 without a problem!
Thanks for your help on this!

Jono said...

yeah ok, was wondering why it wouldn't load properly sometimes, thats just the format it came off the camera in, but I'll try and do it as a raw AVI next time